sábado, 13 de janeiro de 2018

Arco de Constantino, Roma, Itália (Arch of Constantine) - Giovanni Antonio Canal "Canaletto"

Arco de Constantino, Roma, Itália (Arch of Constantine) - Giovanni Antonio Canal "Canaletto"
Roma - Itália
Royal Collection Trust Palácio de Buckingham Londres
OST - 185x106 - 1742

The Emperor Constantine’s triumphal arch dates to AD 312. Canaletto based his composition on his own drawing of 1720 but reproduces the north façade of the arch as published by Desgodets in 1682 rather than the south side. The man seated beside the artist’s impressive signature, who is either drawing or making notes, may be Canaletto himself.
This painting is one of a unique group of five large upright views of Rome, depicting the major sights of the ancient city.
Unusually for Canaletto, all the works are signed and dated prominently in the foreground. It is thought that the paintings formed a special commission for Canaletto's great friend and patron Joseph Smith, British Consul in Venice, who sold his outstanding group of paintings, prints and drawings to George III. Their tall narrow format suggests that the paintings were originally designed for a specific location, probably decorating a room within Smith's palace on the Grand Canal, however the cycle does not fall into an obvious arrangement. Acquired by George III in 1762, the paintings were hung in English frames in the Entrance Hall of Buckingham House, alongside the Venetian views.
The works are of high competence, yet are not entirely typical of Canaletto. While Canaletto did visit Rome around 1720, it is unlikely that he made a return journey in the 1740s. Therefore, it is generally supposed that this painting, and the rest of the cycle, is based upon drawings made by Canaletto's nephew, Bernardo Bellotto (1720-1780), who entered his studio in the mid-1730s and had been in Rome during the relevant period. This indebtedness to Bellotto explains the treatment of the figures, the tendency towards heavy shadows, and the less-convincing three-dimensionality of the pictures, atypical of the style of Canaletto.
This painting depicts The Arch of Constantine with various onlookers and other figures in the foreground. To the right of the arch is a portion of the Colosseum, and visible through the centre archway is S. Pietro in Vincoli, indicating that this view of the arch is from the south. An inscription is visible on the arch.
Signed on a stone extreme left foreground: ANT. CANAL FECIT / ANNO MDCCXLII.

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