Mostrando postagens com marcador Osne-le-Val. Mostrar todas as postagens
Mostrando postagens com marcador Osne-le-Val. Mostrar todas as postagens

segunda-feira, 18 de março de 2024

Vaso Monumental com Pedestal, Circa 1890, Fundições de Arte do Val d'Osne / Fonderies d'Art du Val d'Osne, Osne-le-Val, Haute-Marne, França


Vaso Monumental com Pedestal, Circa 1890, Fundições de Arte do Val d'Osne / Fonderies d'Art du Val d'Osne, Osne-le-Val, Haute-Marne, França
Coleção privada
Osne-le-Val - França

A monumental French cast-iron vase on pedestal by Val d'Osne, Paris, Circa 1890.
The vase with foliate-cast overhanging rim and stepped neck, the fluted body applied with a pair of Greek key handles and draped with oak and acorn festoons, the front and reverse centred with a female portrait roundel, with acanthus-cast lower body, on a circular spreading socle and square base stamped "Fonderies du Val d'Osne/58", the pedestal with square top, above a chandelle-inset fluted cylindrical column, with four scrolled volutes and hung with laurel festoons, on circular stepped base, similarly stamped. 75¼ in (191cm).
The eminent French foundry of Val d'Osne was established in the town of the same name by J. P. V. André in 1835. Somewhat of an entrepreneur, André made an early name for himself by inventing a cheap system of moulding drainage and water pipes, which he supplied in large quantities to the city of Paris.
A frequent participant at the international exhibitions of the second half of the nineteenth century, in particular receiving critical acclaim for a large fountain cast with classical shown in London in 1851, the Val d'Osne's output was not only prolific but hugely diverse. Taken over by Barbezat & Cie in 1867, and allying with the fondeur Ducel towards 1870, the company was eventually renamed Société Anonyme des Hauts-Fourneaux & Fonderies du Val-D'Osne, Anciennes maison J. P. V. André et J. J. Ducel et Fils.
The design for this monumental vase and pedestal - a fine example of Val d'Osne's ability to maintain excellent quality, even when casting on a large scale - appears in the company's 1888 trade catalogue.
Nota do blog 1: Vendido em leilão da Christie's por USD 23,500 em 31/10/2000.
Nota do blog 2: Imagem de 2000 / Crédito para a Christie's.

segunda-feira, 9 de maio de 2022

Chafariz, Praça Eufrásio Correia, Curitiba, Paraná, Brasil

Chafariz, Praça Eufrásio Correia, Curitiba, Paraná, Brasil
Curitiba - PR

Localizada no centro de Curitiba, a Praça Eufrásio Correia era o antigo Campo do Schimidlin. Passou a ser conhecida como Largo da Estação em 1885, após a inauguração da Estação Ferroviária. Recebeu o nome atual, em 1888, em homenagem ao político e abolicionista Manoel Euphásio Correia (1839-1888), natural de Paranaguá.
A partir de 1896, o antigo Largo abrigou a sede do poder legislativo estadual. O local foi urbanizado pela primeria vez em 1905, quando recebeu quiosques, iluminação e jardins.
Em 1916 foi reformada, com nova arborização, lampadário art-noveau e recebeu o chafariz confeccionado na Fonderies d'Art du Val d'Osne, na França. Na época era um dos mais concorridos logradouros da cidade.
O chafariz da Praça Eufrásio Correia é do mesmo modelo existente na cidade do Porto, em Portugal, nos jardins do antigo Palácio de Cristal, inaugurado em 1865.
A Fonderies d'Art du Val d'Osne oferecia seus produtos mundo afora por meio de catálogos, usando matrizes que podiam ser reproduzidas à qualquer tempo. Seus produtos eram de beleza impar, sendo encontrados no mundo todo, especialmente decorando praças e logradouros públicos.
Esse modelo de chafariz era originalmente fabricado pela empresa parisiense J.J. Ducel et fils, adquirida pela Val d'Osne em 1878, após a morte de seu fundador. O chafariz tem uma altura total de 4,69 metros. No topo, há uma ninfa no banho com uma criança. As três esculturas na base representam um tritão e duas nereidas. Texto do Guia Geográfico de Curitiba adaptado para o blog por mim.
Nota do blog: A primeira imagem mostra o chafariz de Curitiba. A segunda imagem mostra o chafariz no catálogo da J.J. Ducel et fils, na época já de propriedade da Fonderies d'Art du Val d'Osne, conforme carimbo acrescentado posteriormente. A terceira imagem mostra o chafariz existente na cidade do Porto, Portugal, "irmão" do existente em Curitiba.


quinta-feira, 30 de setembro de 2021

Placa de Monumento Produzido Pela Fonderies d'Art du Val d'Osne, Osne-le-Val, Haute-Marne, França


Placa de Monumento Produzido Pela Fonderies d'Art du Val d'Osne, Osne-le-Val, Haute-Marne, França

Nota do blog: O monumento em questão está na Praça Buenos Aires, Higienópolis, São Paulo/SP. Para quem deseja saber mais sobre a Fonderies d'Art du Val d'Osne, existem posts específicos no blog. São a origem de grande parte das obras de arte em metal existentes nas principais praças brasileiras, especialmente fontes, estátuas, monumentos, etc.

domingo, 1 de agosto de 2021

Vista Geral das Fundições de Arte do Val d'Osne / Vue Générale Fonderies d'Art du Val d'Osne, Osne-le-Val, Haute-Marne, França

Vista Geral das Fundições de Arte do Val d'Osne / Vue Générale Fonderies d'Art du Val d'Osne, Osne-le-Val, Haute-Marne, França
Osne-le-Val - França
Fotografia - Cartão Postal

Entrada das Fundições de Arte do Val d'Osne / Entrée Fonderies d'Art du Val d'Osne, Osne-le-Val, Haute-Marne, França


Entrada das Fundições de Arte do Val d'Osne / Entrée Fonderies d'Art du Val d'Osne, Osne-le-Val, Haute-Marne, França
Osne-le-Val - França
Fotografia - Cartão Postal

Rua Barbezat, Fundições de Arte do Val d'Osne / La Rue Barbezat, Fonderies d'Art du Val d'Osne, Osne-le-Val, Haute-Marne, França


Rua Barbezat, Fundições de Arte do Val d'Osne / La Rue Barbezat, Fonderies d'Art du Val d'Osne, Osne-le-Val, Haute-Marne, França
Osne-le-Val - França
Fotografia - Cartão Postal

Passagem de Vidro das Fundições de Arte do Val d'Osne / Passage Vitré Fonderies d'Art du Val d'Osne, Osne-le-Val, Haute-Marne, França


Passagem de Vidro das Fundições de Arte do Val d'Osne / Passage Vitré Fonderies d'Art du Val d'Osne, Osne-le-Val, Haute-Marne, França
Osne-le-Val - França
Fotografia - Cartão Postal

Vista Geral das Fundições de Arte do Val d'Osne / Vue Générale Fonderies d'Art du Val d'Osne, Osne-le-Val, Haute-Marne, França

Vista Geral das Fundições de Arte do Val d'Osne / Vue Générale Fonderies d'Art du Val d'Osne, Osne-le-Val, Haute-Marne, França
Osne-le-Val - França
Fotografia - Cartão Postal

Thanks to the invention of art cast iron, a large number of high quality resistant sculptures and often with monumental dimensions, were produced. Cast iron was more affordable than bronze, and the 19th century experienced a craze for this material, that is why this century was also called "the iron century". Artists will soon take advantage of the possibilities that this new metal ornament gave them.
"Art cast iron" refers to several type of objets : single character, bust or group, monumental pieces, low and high reliefs, sculptures incorporated in an architectural ensemble (usually a monumental project such as fountains, equestrian statues and memorials). The subjects of these works of art are both secular and religious.
The Val Osne company was an art foundry founded in 1835 by Jean Pierre Andre Victor, inventor of cast iron ornamental technique. Its original purpose was for manufacturing street furniture and decorative cast iron, the company quickly became the largest art cast iron maker in France under the name "Val d'Osne art foundry".
After his death, his nephew, André Hippolyte (1826-1891), was in charge of the company. The workshops were located in Val d'Osne (Haute Marne, France) and its headquarters and gallerie at the 58th Boulevard Voltaire in Paris. The massive growth of the compagny allowed it to buy its competitors : Barbezat and Ducel.
On a regular basis, Val d'Osne foundries were rewarded during several exhibits. At the "Exposition des produits de l'industrie française" (French industry products exhibit) they received the bronze medal in 1834, the silver medal in 1839, and in 1844 and 1845 the gold one. The company Val Osne took part in many International Exhibitions. Especially the first one, called the "Crystal Palace Exhibition" of 1851 in London. Their monumental art cast iron sculptures were highlighted in this huge glass nave, from this moment on they had a worldwide acknowledgment. They also attended the International Exhibitions of 1855 in Paris, 1875 in Santiago, 1879 in Melbourne, 1878 ("Grand Prix" and two gold medals), 1889 (out of competition and jury member) and 1900 (out of competition and jury member) in Paris.
At the Exposition Universelle of 1900 in Paris, Val d'Osne foundries designed that year (and in very different styles), the four sets in gilded bronze for the Alexandre III bridge and the Art Nouveau style decorations for the parisien metro designed by Hector Guimard.
The foundries were working with many important artists such as Albert Ernest Carrier-Belleuse, Mathurin Moreau (shareholder in the company) or James Pradier. The Val d'Osne became famous for its monumental fountains, animal groups, statues and large groups of cast iron, after antique or classic models. Some old Wallace fountains in Paris are still stamped with the Val d'Osne signature. They also built some memorials after the First World War.
In 1931 the foundry was purchased by its competitor the Sommevoire Factory (today called GHM Company) which still produces street furnitures.
After World War II, the cast iron ornament are no longer fashionable, statues and fountains suffered from a lack of maintenance. Scorned by art specialists, beautiful cast iron sculptures made for the world exhibitions are put to landfill because they are seen as industrial and mainstream works, simple copies of academic art. In 1986, the Orsay Museum was inaugurated and a thesis about Pierre-Louis Rouillard (under the direction of Anne Pingeot) was published. It was the begining of art cast iron recognition and it entered museums collections, especially the forecourt of the Orsay Museum adorned with beautiful animal statues.

Galeria dos Modelos, Fundições de Arte do Val d'Osne / Galerie des Modèles, Fonderies d'Art du Val d'Osne, Osne-le-Val, Haute-Marne, França

Galeria dos Modelos, Fundições de Arte do Val d'Osne / Galerie des Modèles, Fonderies d'Art du Val d'Osne, Osne-le-Val, Haute-Marne, França
Osne-le-Val - França
Fotografia - Cartão Postal