Cartaz de Propaganda do Cinématographe Lumière, 1896, França - Henri Brispot
Cartaz / Poster
This is the
ultimate collector's poster and a true museum piece. The first ever
public screening of a film took place on the 28th of December 1895 in the Salon
Indien of the Grand Cafe, on Boulevard des Capucines in Paris. It was a
humble event, with an audience of less than thirty people in attendance, and
lasted approximately twenty minutes. It marked the public beginning of one
of the most important cultural, artistic and social phenomena of the 20th century. Victor
Perrot, who witnessed the event, writes about that winter evening in various
articles and memoirs, calling it a 'great historical first'. The Grand
Cafe in question was a meeting place for gentlemen billiard players. Its
small basement was decorated in the style of an oriental lounge. On the
occasion of Lumière's screening, a white canvas resembling a bed sheet had been
hung at one end, with Lumière's famous cinématographe stationed on a step
ladder amidst some 100 chairs borrowed from the Grand Cafe. The screening
included a selection of the Lumière's short films, each film lasting no more
than a minute. Some greeted the screening with suspicion, whereas others seemed
utterly shocked by the experience. When the lights went down, Perrot
relates that one lady uttered a shriek of terror. Later on, there was wide
spread talk of magic and trickery, as though the moving images were the ruse of
a clever conjurer. One man complained that it was unfair to make a mockery
of the public in such a way. Members of the press who had been invited to
the screening did not show up, although surprisingly, within two days of
December 28th, it was featured in most newspapers. The success of the
cinématographe was then almost immediate. On January 1st and 2nd 1896
between 2,000-2,500 spectators paid 1 franc each to see Lumière's collection of
moving images. Posters advertising the screenings were printed and pasted
on the walls in Paris. Two styles were designed, one by H. Brispot,
featured here, which shows a throng of people waiting to enter the Salon
Indien. Within a few months, Lumière cinemas had opened in all major
international cities, and screenings had been held for most heads of state,
Kings, Queens and even the Tsar and Tsarina of Russia.
Nota do blog: Foi vendido por 160 mil libras (Inglaterra) em leilão.
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