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Mostrando postagens com marcador Mercedes Benz. Mostrar todas as postagens

terça-feira, 18 de fevereiro de 2025

Mercedes Benz 220D Pickup, Argentina


Mercedes Benz 220D Pickup, Argentina

Texto 1:
Você sabia que a Mercedes Benz montou picapes na Argentina? A história começou em 1952, exatos 73 anos atrás (2025), embora a picape mais famosa tenha sido a versão utilitário do médio 220D, conhecido pelo nome código W114/115.
Lançado em 1971, o modelo foi relembrado em 2016 pela Daimler AG pelo Twitter na época da apresentação do primeiro conceito do Classe X com o comentário “A picape favorita de Dieter Zetsche nos seus dias? A Mercedes 220D Pickup, mais conhecida como La Pick-up”.
O chefão do grupo lembrou bem do carro, resgatado novamente quando o Classe X definitivo foi apresentado. Segundo o site Cuyomotor, a picape foi uma saída para uma época em que a importação de automóveis de passeio era proibida na Argentina. Contudo, havia uma brecha: a legislação permitia a importação de peças mecânicas e partes da carroceria para serem montadas no país, uma exceção que valia apenas para utilitários.
Diante disso, a Mercedes-Benz começou a importar chassis do 220 D W115 europeu com todos os componentes, até as portas, trazidas separadamente. O código W115 era usado para os carros equipados com motores diesel ou de quatro cilindros, enquanto o W114 era reservado aos seis em linha a gasolina - os mais comuns dessa geração no Brasil. Eram carros médios, que faziam o papel hoje em dia reservado aos Classe C e E. Na ocasião, a gama da Mercedes era mais enxuta e havia apenas o maior Classe S (W116) acima deles.
De acordo com a publicação hermana, a montagem ficava ao cargo da fábrica de ônibus El Detalle, que produzia a 220 D na configuração cabine simples - algumas horrendas cabine duplas também foram feitas na Argentina. O mais curioso é que alguns proprietários aproveitaram para reconverter o carro ao formato sedã, algo nunca endossado pelo fabricante alemão.
O motor era sempre o OM615 2.2 diesel. Aspirado, o quatro em linha rendia apenas 61 cv e 12,8 kgfm de torque e tinha como maior vantagem a resistência e economia de combustível. O desempenho era mínimo, ainda mais quando equipada com caixa automática como o modelo disponível no Museu Mercedes-Benz, em Stuttgart, Alemanha, importado pela companhia de trens da cidade. Foram apenas 1.200 carros feitos na Argentina e a produção durou até 1975.
Até que o estilo elegante delineado por Paul Bracq não é de todo arruinado na 220D cabine simples, que aproveitava as portas dianteiras menores do sedã quatro portas. A consultoria da encarroçadora Binz ajudou nisso. Até a linha descendente do para-lama é mantida sem a interferências da borda da caçamba. A tampa é pequena e elevada, o que permitiu manter o formato horizontal das lanternas. Até mesmo o estepe permanece no mesmo lugar reservado no W115 de passeio: à esquerda do compartimento. A capacidade de carga anunciada era de 600 kg, perfeito para muitas empresas, como foi o caso da Aerolíneas Argentinas - dê uma olhada na foto do utilitário junto com um Boeing 737-200.
A 220D argentina não foi a primeira picape feita pelo fabricante. Quando o modelo 170 V (W136) voltou a ser produzido no pós-Segunda Guerra, ele ganhou uma variante picape em 1946. E não é que esse utilitário foi feito por lá na versão 170D?
Os utilitários foram montados a partir de 1952 na antiga fábrica de San Martín, onde a Mercedes fazia caminhões. A motorização ficava por conta de um quatro cilindros a diesel 1.8 com 40 cv e câmbio manual de quatro marchas. Era uma picape mais voltada para o trabalho que a sua sucessora. Texto de Julio Cabral / Auto Esporte.
Texto 2:
Although we liked the Mercedes-Benz X-class pickup when we drove it in Chile last month, the company is probably right in not bringing it to the U.S. market: It’s too small to compete with American full-size trucks, and with its current 2.3-liter four-banger, it would fall short of the power desired by our market. How about something different, such as a passenger-car-based pickup? Mercedes-Benz built one before, an El Camino for the Argentine market.
Mercedes-Benz once built a pickup version of its indestructible W115-body mid-size sedan, and it was offered with a single or double cab. The pickup was assembled in Argentina between 1972 and 1976, at a time when it was forbidden to import cars and trucks into the country. But it was possible to assemble them locally in the form of CKD (completely knocked down) production, with imported mechanical and body parts. The truck was made at Daimler’s González Catán production site, a plant that’s currently gearing up for production of the Sprinter.
Affecionately called La Pickup in Argentina, this W115 is powered by the sturdy OM615 2.2-liter diesel engine, rated at a modest 60 horsepower. It was mated to a four-speed automatic transmission.
The two-door version is arguably prettier; the weird-looking four-door pickup kept the door frames of the sedan but got an upright rear window. Both versions were fitted with upright taillights.
Most of the trucks remained in Argentina, where they have become a rare sight. A few were brought to Europe; the example photographed here was used by Stuttgart’s SSB railway company, where it was used by personnel in charge of lubricating switches. It was later purchased by a private owner and converted into a camper. That’s why the tailgate is closed off and the vertical taillights have been replaced by the horizontal taillights of the sedan. Pretty, but not original.
The 220D La Pickup is the closest you can get to a German El Camino. Of course, a 60-hp diesel won’t quite cut it when compared to its U.S.-made brother in spirit. Even as a sedan, the 220D’s top speed was a mere 83 mph. It is safe to assume a La Pickup could barely scratch 80 mph.
But there is inspiration here for a Mercedes pickup that could be sold the United States. We want a modern E-class La Pickup. Texto de Jess Meiners / Car and Driver
Texto 3:
A través de los años, Argentina ha sabido escribir algunas páginas interesantes en la historia del diseño automotor. Por supuesto que de la mano de los vaivenes políticos y económicos, estos proyectos han sufrido altibajos, interrupciones y disminuciones de presupuesto…
Algunos autos han llevado la reputación automovilística de nuestro país al más alto nivel de reconocimiento; tal es el caso del Torino o las coupés Fiat de fines de los 60 y principios de los 70 (1500, 1600, 125).
Un vehículo menos conocido por los entusiastas y cuyo origen no muchos tienen claro es la serie 220 D de Mercedes Benz que se comercializó entre 1971 y 1975.
Por aquellos años, la importación de autos particulares estaba totalmente vedada. Existía en la normativa vigente de principios de los 70 un atajo que con bastante ingenio Mercedes Benz de Argentina supo utilizar para satisfacer el deseo de algunos de manejar un automóvil 0 km de alta gama.
Las restricciones de la importación permitían de todas maneras la importación de partes mecánicas y partes de carrocería para completar el ensamblado de vehículos (siempre y cuando su configuración final fuera de utilitario y nunca de automóvil de pasajeros).
Dada esta condición, Mercedes comenzó a importar el chasis de su modelo 220 con motor Diesel “D” armado desde la trompa completa, hasta el torpedo incluido. Se importaban también las puertas por separado. Luego, a través de un convenio hecho con la fábrica de ómnibus “El Detalle”, este distinguido auto se convertía en Pick Up de simple o doble cabina.
Una segunda intervención, por lo general hecha en talleres artesanales y sin el aval (oficial) de Mercedes Benz terminaba convirtiendo algunas de estas estilizadas camionetas en el sedán original similar al de Alemania o en una práctica rural. Entonces, el milagro se materializaba, y un privilegiado argentino podía conducir su anhelado Mercedes cero kilómetro en pleno cepo de importación vigente.
Claro que la situación de Mercedes Benz era distinta a la de otras automotrices, ya que se dedicaba desde 1955 a producir utilitarios en su planta de González Catán (Provincia de Buenos Aires) y además tenía en Alemania una reputadísima gama premium. Los elementos perfectos para poder llevar adelante el plan.
Muchos de estos modelos, tanto las pick ups, como la rural y algún que otro sedán, ruedan todavía por las calles argentinas, sin recibir la atención o el reconocimiento de los conocedores del mundo del motor que tal vez se merezcan. Su historia es reflejo de las complejas consecuencias que han generado los duros regímenes de importación que rigieron en el país durante la segunda mitad del siglo XX (Exceptuando la década de los 90). Y nos enseñan que el ingenio nacional para eludir las trabas del Estado muchas veces roza lo inimaginable… Texto de Mauricio Elmelaj / Motor 1.
Nota do blog: Data e autoria das imagens não obtidas.

sábado, 15 de fevereiro de 2025

Mercedes 17.3-Liter 150 HP "Brookland" Semmering Rennwagen 1908, Alemanha


Mercedes 17.3-Liter 150 HP "Brookland" Semmering Rennwagen 1908, Alemanha

In 1906, Mercedes developed a new competition model, soon to become known as the “Brookland” after its accomplishments at England’s Brooklands, famously the first purpose-built automobile racing circuit. During the Brooklands circuit’s first year of existence in 1907, examples of the Mercedes achieved record speeds of 88.8 mph in the standing 10-mile run and 95.5 mph over a flying half-mile. Four years later another “Brookland” automobile lapped its namesake track at an average of 109 mph, setting yet another record.
Documentation from Daimler-Benz on file, received by a prior owner in 1948, indicates that this particular Mercedes was built under kommission number 5871 and workshop order 336, dated 16 June 1908, as a 1908 model “Brookland” chassis with a four-cylinder engine of 175-by-180 millimeter displacement. With this larger engine—actually larger than was legal for Grands Prix of the era—it was described as a “one only” car, purpose-built for and entered into the Semmering Hill Climb in Austria. This was one of the most prestigious competition events on the European continent at the time, a no-limits, proto-Group B clash of the titans with essentially no rules. Driven by Otto Salzer, this car claimed victory at Semmering, while achieving a new record speed for the event of 81.2 km/h.
Daimler-Benz correspondence notes that later in July 1908, the car was returned to the factory and outfitted with a new, much stronger motor, number 820, of 150 PS or 150 horsepower, produced from an utterly enormous 17.3 liters—such size that the engine was nearly visible from the front of the car, emerging in almost menacing fashion out of the front cross member! It was a unique engine, the only one of its kind ever produced, and while a big, blunt hammer, it served its purpose well.
Salzer drove the car under its own power to the Semmering event in September 1909. There, the defending victor again claimed the Semmering prize, in 7 minutes and 7 seconds at an average of 84.3 km/h, a record that stood for 15 years. Factory correspondence indicates that the following month, in October 1909, the car achieved 3rd against tremendous competition in the Champion du Monde at the Tervuren near Brussels, driven by Camille Jenatzy, “The Red Devil.”
Following this event, the car was outfitted with larger Michelin tires on “stock” rims, and sold to Milnes-Daimler Ltd. of London, England. Per factory correspondence, they delivered it on 7 December 1909 to Bennet & Wood of Covent Gosford Street, from which the car was exported to a buyer in Sydney, Australia.
The buyer in question was Lebbeus Hordern, who, as historian Bob King noted, “was just 18 years of age when his merchant father died, leaving him a ₤4,000,000 fortune. What better way to spend it than on the ultimate bird puller?” The Hordern family, proprietors of Australia’s leading department store, carried in its ranks many enthusiasts, with various arms of the family tree possessing many of the great European Brass Era automobiles. Young Hordern is not known to have competed with his new toy, but its next owner, his fellow millionaire Colin Smith, drove it in 1911 at Artillery Hill, south of Sydney. He then sold it to Percy Cornwell, a pottery owner in the Melbourne suburb of Brunswick, who both raced it himself and entrusted it to the hands of Rupert Jeffkins.
Cornwell eventually sold the Mercedes to Ike Watson of Melbourne, who appears to have removed the original seats. In this form the car survived until January 1942, when it was purchased by young Lyndon Duckett and returned to life, with the fitment of metal seats appropriated from an aircraft. In this form the car was pictured in a line drawing by Bob Shepherd in the July 1947 issue of Australian Motor Sport. King noted wryly that “in July 1953 at Fisherman’s Bend race track, the Melbourne Mercedes dealer attracted some attention, which they may have preferred to have avoided. They pitted their new 300 model against the 1908 car, and to the delight of the considerable crowd, it was soundly beaten.” King commented that the last time he saw the car was at a veteran car rally in Argus in January 1955.
That year, based upon the dates of California registration slips on file, the Mercedes was purchased by David Gray Jr. of Santa Barbara, California. Mr. Gray was the heir to a major early investor in the Ford Motor Company, and a noted sportsman who was one of the earliest collectors of “horseless carriages” on the West Coast, a contemporary of the legendary likes of Bill Harrah and Lindley Bothwell—both of whom would eventually acquire very significant cars from the Gray stable.
Mr. Gray retained the Mercedes until November 1964, when it was sold to Tony Hulman for the Indianapolis Motor Speedway Museum at the then-enormous cost of $30,000. There it has resided for the past 60 years, occasionally venturing out for events at the Speedway as well as elsewhere. In 2001 it was one of several significant automobiles that ventured from the Museum to England for display at the Goodwood Festival of Speed, and in 2023 it was an exhibition entrant in the feature Vanderbilt Cup Era Race Cars class at the Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance.
Recently mechanically recommissioned in preparation for sale, it starts easily, unleashes utterly outstanding power, and is a fantastically remarkable machine to drive. Most significantly, it boasts utterly incredible originality, including the original numbered radiator and carburetor, what is believed to be the original external exhaust system, the original gauges, remains of factory paint on the inside of the frame, and a transaxle case stamped “S,” perhaps for Semmering, with all the castings remaining in good undamaged condition. Significantly the car still has its original identification tag, which has remained with it for all these many years—unheard-of in a vintage competition Mercedes. Even the cylinders are individually dated!
This well-known works racer epitomizes the pinnacle of chain-drive, large-displacement Grand Prix and competition cars, with Mercedes being the most advanced and successful of the era—and, indeed, this represents the ultimate, most potent, one-off development of the original Mercedes design, one that produced a remarkable leap in performance that established its maker as a force to be reckoned with, on road or track.
In one of the letters documenting the history of this example, Daimler-Benz’s Marcus Clary summarily commented that “the Mercedes-Brookland, which was already developed in 1906, was extraordinarily successful beginning from 1907. She first had an engine of 80 and later of 120, 150, and more HP. Even in 1913, she was still triumphant.”
She still is. Texto da RM Sotheby's.
Nota do blog: Data e autoria das imagens não obtidas.