domingo, 2 de janeiro de 2022

Espiando Pelo Buraco (The Peephole) - Norman Rockwell


Espiando Pelo Buraco (The Peephole) - Norman Rockwell
Coleção Privada
Óleo sobre madeira - 36x28 - 1958

Speaking to The Peephole’s transportive power, the accompanying text in The Post issue invoked this deeply atmospheric reminiscence:
“Oh, to be a boy again—or for that matter a girl—and relive the joy of going to a ball game through a knothole. Most knotholes are gradually made by Mother Nature in her unhurried way, but if she is too slow, a boy can help her along, removing the knot with his trusty jackknife or by giving it a good swat with a stone. As you no doubt recall, this should be done secretly, preferably at night; otherwise the caretaker of the ball grounds may chase the boy with a stick and then nail a piece of tin over the new hole, a darned mean thing to do. Sometimes a knothole is made with a brush… Viewers of this game will note that they get as clear a picture as they do on their TV sets. In color too.”
Nota do blog: Abaixo foto da capa do "The Saturday Evening Post" de 30/08/1958 com a pintura objeto do post.

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