sexta-feira, 29 de novembro de 2019

Natureza Morta com Maças (Nature Morte aux Pommes) - Pierre Auguste Renoir

Natureza Morta com Maças (Nature Morte aux Pommes) - Pierre Auguste Renoir
Coleção privada
OST - 31x45 - Circa 1905

A vibrant still life with fruit is the subject of Renoir's richly-painted composition from the early twentieth century.  By this point in his career, Renoir could paint at leisure, no longer heavily dependant on client commissions or the expectations of his dealers. Women and still-lifes occupied his production during these later years, when the pursuit of beauty was first and foremost this artistic priority.  
The present work, which depicts an arrangement of apples on a table, belies a consciousness of Renoir's contemporaries and the leanings of the avant-garde at this important moment in history.  The methodical arrangement of the pictorial elements calls to mind the still-lifes of Paul Cézanne, whose exploration of geometry and spatial perspective would change the direction of modern art. Renoir has similarly concentrated on the relationships among heavy cylindrical outines of the apples and the porcelain bowl, while remaining true to the softness of his original Impressionist palette.

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