domingo, 27 de janeiro de 2019

Palmeiras em Bordighera, Itália (Palm Trees at Bordighera) - Claude Monet

Palmeiras em Bordighera, Itália (Palm Trees at Bordighera) - Claude Monet
Bordighera - Itália
Metropolitan Museum of Arts Nova Iorque
OST - 64x81 - 1884

Monet first visited Italy’s southern coast with Renoir in December 1883. Shortly thereafter, he returned alone to paint, writing his dealer that working "à deux" was constraining. This scene and The Valley of the Nervia (30.95.251) reflect Monet’s excitement at the new motifs offered by the region’s palm trees and mountains. For this view, he ventured from his hotel in Bordighera and looked across the Bay of Ventimiglia toward the Alps on the French border. The dazzling colors challenged him to "dare to use all the tones of pink and blue," although what he truly needed was a "palette of Diamonds and jewels."

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